martedì 23 ottobre 2007

Hello my friends...

My dear friends who lives all around the world... how are you all doing? Whazzzzup?!?!?!

I have created this blog also for you, cause we haven't that many chances to have deep talks, and I wish you could be here in Florence to share funny moments, and all things life will bring us. So, this will be a way to feel more close each other, I will write for you guys post in english, and you will find them in the "English" category. Then, for those who speak a bit of italian, it will be fun to try to read my italian post, it will be a way to practice ;)

Out here everything is going good... Florence starts to be cold, we had very bad days with a sudden different of 20 degrees, we didn't expect and everybody now is sad cause winter is coming... for who lives in Australia and Argentina will be fun to read that, you just started spring! lucky you...

I'm still working at the same place, all good and bad, the same, just that my boss is going to retire next month, that means CATASTROPHE for me... but I'll keep you updated about that..

My boyfriend Leonardo is doing good, as well as my cat Lucy.. The house is great, it's always a great feeling to come back home...

I take this occasione to repeat again again that you will be more than welcomed to come here and stay in our flat, it will be fun and great to show you around... first time for somebody, again for somebody else...

I think about you, and I really hope that you are all doing great!!

Loves and Hugs

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